Our experienced team, led by Jarrod Poole, can work with you to create your dream landscape.

Jarrod Poole

Managing Director

Jarrod is a Landscape Architect / Construction Manager with over 10 years’ experience designing, constructing and maintaining residential and urban infrastructure. 

Jarrod’s core strength is the ability to innovate within the design phase of a project and deliver throughout the construction phase.

Jarrod’s eye for detail and excellent customer service skills enable him to quickly adapt to any audience, and achieve the best results for all stakeholders.

Jack Bartholemeusz

Construction Manager

Daniel Egan-Richards


Finbar Barrie

Apprentice Landscaper

Darcy Thomas

Apprentice Landscaper

Tim Searson

Apprentice Landscaper

Jack Bartholemeusz


Daniel Egan-Richards

Apprentice Landscaper

Finbar Barrie

Apprentice Landscaper